Monday, April 15, 2013

Andy Warhol - how did he already know ?

by gretchen gretchen

Monday. Busy weekend. I haven't been quoting people so much before but I guess I've changed because now I do. I'm a little bit tired and feeling serious and my thoughts are a bit unfinished and don't know what actually would think about this what Andy Warhol said in the year 1968. He's right...or?

Somehow I feel this quote has a lot to do with our reality here in blogosphere and in every corner of bubbling internet. You can also find little celebrities - ordinary people - in every reality series in tv and all the magazines that need a hero, idol, trend, writer, actor, singer, maker, ordinary people to introduce and tell their story. We use and consume so fast that I wonder how we'll survive with all the information and things what we have around us. This is just a thought but it bothers me a bit. What say you?

Back to our beloved internet - I think it's a very good thing that individuals can make their own way to go public. You can create and be your own boss and get your 15 minutes. You don't need a big publication houses anymore. You don't need so much money to do that. You are there when you push button Publish. Think about that! 

But when we push the button, we do have to remember our responsibilities that comes along with it...but we do - don't we.



  1. He was right...with my blog I feel like I have my presence and a while back I was in a music video where I got my 15 minutes a fame! =) It was awesome! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  2. I believe there is an another raising movement called "slow". Slowing down the internet, taking your time, not being exposed that much, eat, sleep, live consciously. Still a minority but you know, it's our choice. The internet is fine, the real strategy lies in defining what is best for you and makes you fell happy. Gudy x

    1. Exactly Gudy,
      I believe in "slow" also. Actually I love the idea of it. Less is more.

  3. I don't think I believe in fame. Or at least I don't care about it. I prefer enjoying life with my loved ones and simply try to make beautiful things...

    1. Hello Judith! Nice to see you here! Yes that's true, I agree.

  4. Yes how could he know back then? I think it's very easy to get overloaded with expression and inspiration, so for me it's a must with unplugged time :-) And you're so right we do have a responsebility, and I also think that it's important not always to put ourself first in line when we express ourself. Great topic Kreetta and have a beautiful week :-)

    1. Hello Mette!
      It's complicated. It gives but it takes also - have to have a balance...beautiful week for everyone!



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