I think every one of us who write a blog, have Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Steller, Tumblr etc. accounts want to tell their story to all people and love to have more and more new readers. For exemple I've noticed that when I do DIY I get a lot more readers than other posts. But I have also shared my DIY in Craftgavker that makes nice amount of trafic to my blog. So it might not be only about your blog but it is where you share your message. But still I'm wondering when it is about social media - is it about quantity or quality? How you find your lovely readers?
I have had very slow speed in my blogging lately and it is because I'm now freelance photographer and because I have Instagram account. My time is spent by working with every aspect of entrepreneurship. I don't complain, it is very rewarding. But I can notice the change for exemple in blogging. If you don't blog every week, your readers start to fade...and I have to admit that I have had a very big crush to Instagram so I think that too has made my blog a bit more silent. These photos I use in this blog post are taken with iPhone and can be also found in my IG.
But I'll come back! I'm still in the middle of a new phase with my blog. I want to change it's layout. I have planned it since autumn but I wish I have time to do it in near future like starting my own webshop too.
My answer to the question about is it about quantity or quality is quality without doubt. Answer to how you find your readers? I think you have to work a lot with that. There are no easy way. You have to try different kind of things in social media, in your blog, share your work in different kind of places and try to follow the statistics. But if you just enjoy of blogging it doens't have to be so serious business. I'm somewhere between serious and fun - but after I've started my own company this place is also about my brand as a photographer.
Have a lovely weekend!
PS. If you get somebody to write about you that is a very good thing for your company, blog or whatever you do. I had a very good chance to be in publication called Focus on Finland. It is a publication of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Sitra, Invest in Finland and Finnfacts. I got in with my blog. Hopefully get more work and readers :) Here's a link to it.