Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One year old my blog is - Hooray !

Hello you lovely one! I'm very happy that you come here and read my blog. Today my blog is one year old Yay! and I want to thank You. 

Yes, writing this blog has been a joy and a pleasent learning journey. I've learned to know so many talented makers like Michele Michael from Elephant Ceramics, Frieda Mellema Lab 71, Dietlind Wolf, Dana Tanamachi, Diana Saldaña from Royal Caballito and so many more. Seen talented work. Got some really good advices from great people like Holly Becker from Decor8, Katrina from Puglypixel and many more. Enjoyed reading blogs like Jealous Curator, Hello Sandwich, Bloesem, Poppytalk and the list goes on. Felt really happy when I heard that Book By Its Cover blog by Julia Rothman will continue. There are so many nice blogs finefinebooks, Fine Little DayRaincoast Cottage I've read and so many more and I'm happy we are all here. I've pinned like a mad woman in Pinterest all the wonderful ideas and pics. There are many great things in the air. Maybe I have even learned to write better English. Hope so. 

I'm thrilled about new posts of new exciting things which are coming up. But before that I'm going to take a pause - a real pause - in using computer and being online. I will close my mac for whole February. It's deep winter here. Do I survive? I have to walk to library again to get some good books and read magazines. I can make new plans and my own things like painting, sewing, crafts, those lovely handmade things. Or just drink green tea and coffee of course and enjoy of doing nothing. Can't wait! 

So we will see next time in March with new things and ideas. Maybe even a new look here in Gretchen Gretchen. Till then with these encouraging words in snow:
by gretchen gretchen
1 vee. kiitos ihanat lukijat. nähdään maaliskuussa.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Link Love Creative

Third time in everything. Winter days, morning coffee moments. Makes you feel creative. Hand picked links for your eyes only.

1. Dana Tanamachi/ Tanamachi Studio
Tanamachi studio/Dana Tanamachi
amazing handmade fontadelics. photo/dana tanamachi

2. Yanoya video by Shishi Yamazaki
Yanoya video by Shishi Yamazaki
delicate watercolors wakes up. photo/yanoya video

3. Ceramics by gretchen gretchen in Pinterest
concept_styling_making_vase by gretchen gretchen
my beginning of making ceramics - a vase

Monday, January 21, 2013

Link Love Creative

Second time in everything. Cloudy days, big sketchbooks. Takes you to fine inspiration. Hand picked links for your eyes only. 

1. Work of Matsuki Kousuke
2. Work of Miranda Skoczek
3. Illustration patterns love Pinterest board by gretchen gretchen

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How I made a sketchbook in 15 days? Aivan käsittämätön rutistus

sketchbook 2013 by gretchen gretchen
cover of my sketchbook 2013. made of paper dots cut from Gudrun Sjödén's colorful catalogs.

I am so amazed that it was even possible. I orded Sketchbook Project's sketchbook 2013 in the end of November and got it just before X-mas and deadline was 15th of Jan...yesterday. I was ill on X-mas and lazy too so I did lose a lot of important working time but working with it has been big fun and same time unfortunately it has stressed me a little bit. As you know deadlines tend to effect your mind...but now it's ready! And I can count more plusses than minuses. I photographed it but I show you only a cover - I'll wait for the time when they are on the tour. You can read about it here. And I found this lovely project when I was reading On The Surface blog. I'm already waiting the Sketchbook 2014... I recommend you to make one too!

Voiko tää olla totta, että minun Sketchbook 2013 luonnoskirjasesta tuli valmis? Aivan käsittämätön rutistus. Löysin Sketchbook projektin, kun silmäilin On The Surface blogia. Se oli loistava löytö mutta löysin sen hieman myöhään. Posti toi minulle luonnoskirjasen vähän ennen joulua ja deadline oli eilen 15.1. Ja jos lasketaan joulusairastelut ja laiskottelut pois niin pääsin aloittamaan tämän vuoden puolella...joten tehokkaat 15 päivää ja olo oli taas kuin ennen tenttiä. Toivoo, et pääsee läpi vaikka lukeminen jäikin vähiin. Mutta eihän tässä ollut kyse suorittamisesta, joten vertaus on hieman liioitteleva. Kirjasen kanssa puuhastelu oli loistavaa aivojumppaa omien ideoiden työstämiseen. Kuvasin sen kyllä kannesta kanteen mutta en julkaise kuvia ennen kuin kirjat ovat kiertueella. Lue täältä lisää. No lipsun siinäkin ja laitan tähän kannesta kuvan. Suosittelen lämmöllä osallistumaan seuraavalla kierroksella!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Link Love Creative

First time in everything. These makes your day. Takes you to the land of golden ideas. Hand picked links for your eyes only.

Link Love Creative

Full Moon Story by Kyung Soo Kim in Thisispaper.
Topsy Turvy Book by Beatrice Alemagna
Font_love Pinterest board by gretchen gretchen

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Recycling respect ! Kierrätys kunniaan!

One week ago I made a comment in one Finnish blog called Suvi sur le vif and the answer to me was - kierrätys kunniaan! It means recycling respect! ...well, I admit that is very free translation of it. But it was a very good reminder to me what my blog is all about. You may not know it because I really haven't clearly pointed it out. I will tell you now.

making candle by gretchen gretchen
making candles from used tallow

Kirjoitin Suvi sur le vif blogiin kommentin ja hänen vastauksensa Kierrätys kunniaan! kitetytti hyvin oman toimintani ytimen, jonka olin itsekin jo hassusti unohtanut, koska se on minulle itsestäänselvyys. Samalla tajusin, että tuskinpa sinä, joka luet blogiani tiedät minulle tärkeistä asioista, jos en niistä kerro.(...jatkuu suomeksi postauksen lopussa)

earrings from paper clips by gretchen gretchen
earrings from old paper clips

The main rule in my handmade products is that I use vintage, old and used materials as much as possible. Of course sometimes I can't find everything used or old so I have to buy some new materials and combine them together. Secondly I also love old fashioned things - they just look prettier than new ones usually...and often they are made more carefully and they even might be handmade. 

this and that found in Sweden by gretchen gretchen
lovely old ribbons and easter cards found in Ronneby, Sweden

And let's not forget that I love handmade. I have used so many hours to find all these wonderful materials and things that it is better not to count the time I've used. Of course it is my hobby so I enjoy it. I attend auctions and for example in summer 2011 we went to Sweden by car with my husband and we drove around and visited in so many flea markets and antique shops. It was so wonderful. Swedish countryside is very beautiful and in Sweden they have a little bit more interesting things in general than here in Finland, sorry to say but that's the way it goes. Actually we had backseat full of this and that when we came back. 

Brunns hall in Ronneby, big park by gretchen gretchen
on Sundays they have flea market here in Brunnsparken - it was a good place to find treasures!

So I'm a kind of treasure hunter I would say. Sometimes I feel a little bit annoyed that I have so much different kind of this and that but it doesn't last long and actually I can always say that it is also one part of my profession: I'm a photographer so I need also props in my photography. And believe me it's so much easier to just open a cupboard and take one plate out than run through the city trying to find the right one.

Cafe Mandeltårtan by gretchen gretchen
You can find Cafe Mandeltårtan i Brunnsparken. You can get organic products here. It was wonderful place. There is als bed and breakfast place where you can stay over night. Really nicely decorated rooms in old wooden house.

...and finally I try to recycle as you have read and that is also very important to me like our precious Planet Earth.

Oops, it was a long writing this time. If you managed to get even here, thank you and if you like vintage, handmade and you are blogging or not, leave  me a comment so I can come to see your blog or just hear about you! 

old  red retro lamp
I have two of these - red and yellow.

Neljä juttua minusta lyhyesti. Käytän tekemiini tuotteisiini pääasiassa vanhaa ja käytettyä jopa vintagea jos vain raaskin mutta toki välillä pitää ostaa uuttakin, että pystyn toteuttamaan haluamani asian. 

Toiseksi rakastan vanhaa ja kulunutta, Minusta monet vanhat tavarat, käsityömateriaalit, kankaat vaan näyttävät ja tuntuvat houkuttelevimmilta kuin uudet. Monet printit esimerkiksi vanhoissa kankaissa ovat todella viehättäviä. Olen kuluttanut lukemattoman määrän tunteja ja päiviä metsästäessäni kaikkea kivaa, vanhaa ja hyvää käytettävää materiaalia töihini. Mutta se onkin harrastukseni.  

old glass flower vase
I found nice flower vase.

Ja eipä unohdeta sitä tosiasiaa, että rakastan käsintehtyjä asioita. Niissä on ihan oma henkensä. Ja miksi oi miksi minun kaappini pursuavat kaikenlaista ihme roinaa, joka välillä vähän ahdistaakin, mutta onneksi vain hyvin vähän aikaa. Voin aina syyttää ammattiani ja todeta - olen valokuvaaja. Arvatkaapa kumpi on helpompaa...ottaa lautanen kaapista ja kuvata se kuin että juoksen kaupungin halki etsien juuri sitä tiettyä tyyliä. Tapahtuu sitäkin vielä mutta aina, kun löydän jonkun todella hyvän, ostan sen ja laitan kaappiin jos vain lompakossa on riittävästi euroja. Näin säästän aikaa, jalkoja ja luontoa. Ja edellä mainitut asiat ovat minulle siis kierrätystä ja se on tärkeää minulle niin kuin on meidän rakas maapallommekin. On kuitenkin hyvin vaikeaa olla aina ekologinen, senhän me jokainen tiedämme. Toivottavasti seuraavat sukupolvet ovat viisaampia kuin me ja ovathan he.

Tulipa pitkä rimpsu tekstiä. Jos jaksoit tänne asti - olen iloinen! Jos tykkäät vintagesta, kirppareista, vanhasta, käytetystä ja satut vielä bloggailemaan tai et niin kommentoi, jotta pääsen lukaisemaan blogiasi tai vain kuulemaan mitä kuuluu tai mieltä olet! 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Handmade dream catcher - unisieppari

dream catcher made by gretchen gretchen

I made a dream catcher as a x-mas present to a little boy. I don't know if the story of it is familiar to you but through dream catcher there should be only sweet dreams for him and the bad ones won't come through it. If you want to know more about dream catcher go here.

Tein joululahjaksi unisiepparin pienelle pojalle. En tiedä onko tarina tuttu mitä unisieppari pitää sisällään mutta täältä löydät lisää tietoa siitä tosin hieman yksinkertaistetusti.

dream catcher made by gretchen gretchen

My dream catcher isn't traditional one, I gave myself artistic freedom and connected it also to our own nature by adding birch bark. I love the texture of it. And I think it went well together with feathers.

Tekemäni unisieppari ei ole aivan tradition mukainen. Otin itselleni taiteellista vapautta ja lisäsin yhdeksi elementiksi Suomen luonnosta koivun kaarnaa. Sen tekstuuri on hieno ja se sopi yllättäin höyhentenkin kanssa loistavasti.

dream catcher made by gretchen gretchen

dream catcher made by gretchen gretchen
sweet dreams - kauniita unia

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