Sunday, December 29, 2013

Photography Concept and Styling - PEOPLE

people photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

People love stories, don't they? I think it would be great to be a super super great storyteller. I'm a photographer and my work is about telling stories and we all have one. I'm sure you've heard the phrase the truth is stranger than fiction

people photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

people photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

What kind of people the stories are about? How the stories are born?

people photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

people photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

people photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

people photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

people photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

People want to be remembered and not forgotten. People want that their life story is valuable and worth telling and we all want to hear other people's stories. We can be inspired by people and their stories. We can find stories comforting and supporting or they just make us happy. We can relate to people in stories. We can also be so scared of stories and get too excited and feel uncomfortable. 

People who make stories for their occupation have a huge assigment. Yes, it is a passion and there's never enough time to tell every story. So we have to choose. But if we choose carefully - we can tell story of so many people with only one pic or story. 

I made this photo essay of the word people. What kind of story/stories these photos tell you?

This is the last post of the year 2013. This post is also one of my Photography Concept and Styling post series. You can find them all here. I've got so many great words from you. I want to thank you! I always welcome new words - if you have one in your mind. I started this series in March 2013 and the words I've used this year are triangle, process, connections, recollection, the song La Melodie du Bonheur, sunshine, circus, hidden, mundane and people.

I wish you wonderful New Year 2014! Make a wish!


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day Inspiration

It's Christmas Day. Our Traditional Finnish joulupöytä.

Finnish joulupöytä photo by Kreetta Järvenpää blog:

For decoration I made paper flowers. You can find DIY tutorial for them here. I also made flower decoration and now I'm waiting very eagerly that amaryllis will bloom. Soon I hope. 

Have a lovely Christmas Day!


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Best Christmas Recipe Ever

Enjoy and relax.

Dried herbs photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

I wish you a very merry Christmas! I hope you enjoy with your family and have beautiful moments. I also want to remember people who now stays with us in our hearts and memories. Let's light a candle for them too.

Dried herbs photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

Dried herbs photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

Dried herbs photo by Kreetta Järvenpää

I also want to thank You very much for coming over and for reading my blog. I sure have been very happy when you have left a comment for me or liked my blog in fb or followed me in Pinterest

The year 2014 is just behind the corner. What shall I do - what plans I have? Some I say. New things. New ideas. Do you have wishes for me? I hope I can offer even more enjoyable moments for you in the year 2014!

Merry Christmas and Beautiful New Year 2014! 


ps. I photographed dried sage - grown in our own garden.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Easy DIY - Last Minute Christmas Decoration

DIY by

On one late evening during this week I got a crazy crafting bug, if you know what I mean. I realized that I want to make some Christmas decoration - different than last year and years before. 

Usually I use vintage decoration what I've collected during the years. But not this year. No to X-mas tree even though I love it. Yes to paper flowers and real flowers - love them too. One vintage item I will have and have it already - orange star in the window. It's the same kind as the one we had at our home when I was a child. So it has a special meaning. With orange goes well brussian blue. Love also vintage, so the paper I used for these flowers is vintage gift wrapper. 

DIY by

You can use any size of paper you want. My paper was retangle shaped and a little bit smaller than A3 (297mm×420mm). Don't use too thin paper. Fold the paper in same sized folds flipping over each time. Cut the last bit away if it's too small or if it's too big, cut the extra piece away.

DIY by

Fold in half. Then tie the metal wire or thread where the fold is. I used metal wire.

DIY by

Cut both ends same time to the shape you like. You can always make different kind of flowers.

DIY by

Unfold it. You can use tape like I did - double sided of course or glue. Join sides carefully together. Use a needle to put a thread through for hanging.

Then you have a last step to go - where to put them? I will decorate one wall with these flowers.

Merry X-mas to You!


Monday, December 16, 2013

Is It Vintage - Happy Families Playing Cards

Vintage Playing Cards "Happy Families" photo by

Do you remember the game? I do but I didn't play with these cards, we had more common cards - I remember. These ones I found from Imatra, Eastern Finland. We visited flea markets and one place was full of funny things like these playing cards. I think these can be from 1920-50's. What do you think?

Vintage Playing Cards "Happy Families" photo by

I found my family or I found my occupation, haha...there's no woman photographer - it's a man's world in these cards. Wife is only making her daily make up but...well, things change don't they? We make changes by doing things differently.

Vintage Playing Cards "Happy Families" photo by

Is It Vintage is one of my blog's series. I post it once in the month. If you want to see more of these go here. 

I love old and frayed. I love things with stories and history. I wonder who has played funny games with these pretty cards? I hope they have brought a lot of joy to their owner or owners. Maybe we can play Happy Families with these cards on Christmas Eve. What are you going to do when you are waiting for Santa Claus?


Sunday, December 8, 2013

DIY - X-mas Calender Cube

diy x-mas calender cube by

I get bored easily. I like to find new ways to do things like traditional X-mas calender. December had already started and I didn't have a good idea for it. I was thinking that it would be great not to buy anything but still have surprising X-mas calender. I couldn't totally avoid buying new things. Actually my idea came after I had bought Dymo. But remember you don't have to buy it for this DIY X-mas calender - you can write the words even with basic pencil or what ever you have at your home.

diy x-mas calender cube by

We have these wooden cubes because I have another DIY on process. Or being truthful - I haven't even started yet, haha. The cube doesn't have to be clean and wooden, it can be what ever cube you find from your home or you can make it from cardboard box or from paper in origami style. The most important thing is what you write on it. 

So this is how it goes. I decided that because we have been together about 10 years it's nice to go back a bit and remember the times we met and life together. I chose the words kiss, hug, memory, poem, dinner and my husband chose a word purple. The cube has 6 sides so only thing I had to do was to print with Dymo the words and glue them to the cube. Ready. And the rest is about your imagination and memories and acts. We have only one cube so every other day is his or my turn. These things goes to both directions so I think it works better with shared cube.

diy x-mas calender cube by

If you have kids and you are making DIY X-mas calender cubes for them you can choose things that you think are exciting and great with your children. Baking together, reading a fairy tale, going out and have ice cream - what ever you have in your mind and what works best in your family. 

So the most important thing with this DIY is what happens when you use it. A good time with your beloved ones. I hope you find this worth to try! Now I'm a little bit late with this, I know - but maybe next year! And today I got the word I guess, I know what I'm doing today, haha. 

Have a lovely Sunday!


Friday, December 6, 2013

X-mas Calender Day 6

X-mas Calender photo by

I'm sure you remember how exciting it was to open X-mas calender for 24 days. This year I made my X-mas calender on my blog's Facebook page. I will reveal one piece of the pic every day. Some might think it is childish but I think it's good to have a little bit funny habits - we can have fun as adults also, don't we?  I've made one DIY X-mas calender two days ago but you will hear about it later this month after I've photographed it. 

I hope this year you and your family have lovely X-mas time together and I hope no one have to stay in the kitchen too long time and feel tired of cooking. Or spend too much time with X-mas shopping. 

Less is more.

Today we are also celebrating our independence day in Finland. My husband and I are going to have a lovely gathering with our old friends. It's great to see them. We should see more often. And finally I want to have a silent moment for one person who has changed the world. Nelson Mandela. Rest in peace.

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