People love stories, don't they? I think it would be great to be a super super great storyteller. I'm a photographer and my work is about telling stories and we all have one. I'm sure you've heard the phrase the truth is stranger than fiction.
What kind of people the stories are about? How the stories are born?
People want to be remembered and not
forgotten. People want that their life story is valuable and worth
telling and we
all want to hear other people's stories. We can be inspired by people and their stories. We
can find stories comforting and supporting or they just make us happy. We can relate to people in stories. We can also be so scared of
stories and get too excited and feel uncomfortable.
People who make stories for their occupation have a huge assigment. Yes, it is a passion and there's never enough time to tell every story. So we have to choose. But if we choose carefully - we can tell story of so many people with only one pic or story.
I made this photo essay of the word people. What kind of story/stories these photos tell you?
People who make stories for their occupation have a huge assigment. Yes, it is a passion and there's never enough time to tell every story. So we have to choose. But if we choose carefully - we can tell story of so many people with only one pic or story.
I made this photo essay of the word people. What kind of story/stories these photos tell you?
I got this word People from my dear and talented friend Päivi. Her blog is K niin kuin Koti and she is blogging with her two friends there. Thank you Päivi!
This is the last post of the year 2013. This post is also one of my Photography Concept and Styling post series. You can find them all here. I've got so many great words from you. I want to thank you! I always welcome new words - if you have one in your mind. I started this series in March 2013 and the words I've used this year are triangle, process, connections, recollection, the song La Melodie du Bonheur, sunshine, circus, hidden, mundane and people.
I wish you wonderful New Year 2014! Make a wish!