Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Vintage fonts - vanhat fontit

made in Sweden
vintage matchbox series
One might say that I can't live without photoshop! I'm a photographer. But this time I had to. Photoshop Elements helped me and yes you can do basic things with that quite easily but still...anyway I found...or to tell the truth actually my husband found these lovely ones from fleemarket where we were few weeks ago in Lohja. A box full of vintage matchbox series. I think these aren't really old but still they do look quite tempting. These are made by Swedish Jönköpings Tändsticksfabricks Aktie Bolag. I do like their appearance. Art pieces in small size. 

these two are my favorite ones

I like vintage typography and lucky me I'm not the only one. I bought one really nice vintage typography book  and posted about it in June. I found fun post about Madrid's vintage sign typography in Poppytalk by Serena Olivieri and she referred to Tracy Castro's post  about Texas typography in Poppytalk. Typography is more than only appearance. What typography tells about certain place like Texas as Tracy asks. And I'm wondering what typography tells about time of these matchboxes? Certainly there is much more decorative style in those boxes what we have had for awhile in our everyday products. They look like more carefully done. They are just matchboxes but still they look like more precious because of their appearance...and lame truth might be that maybe they were only part of the time and no exception. But then I have to say I like the apppearance of that time. There's some elegant glamour in it. But the message is still the same. I mean as you can read the written text on the box... I only use Swedish matches...well that is very popular slogan - still.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Moments in time - Gdansk - Warsaw - Krakow - Auschwitz

wooden crane
Gdansk - wooden crane
As I promised I share now few moments in Poland with you. There were differend feelings during our days in Poland. Beautiful old buildings - or lookalikes like in Warsaw. Warm people - great friends. Unbelievable heat. Coolness of big park in the heart of the capital city. Wonderful coffee moment in cosy street. Sound of beautiful music from synagoga. Wonderful bookshop. Movement of wings of butterfly in silence and in warmth of the sun. Such a big experience as country itself. Are you ready? There's plenty to see.

wood carving
Gdansk - at Pikawa cafe - wood carving

Gdansk - beautiful buldings

Warsaw - center of old town

old town
Warsaw - old town

new buildings
Warsaw - tall buildings

Warsaw - park

bird _ peacock
pretty guy
Kuten lupailin tässä muutama ruutu tai useampikin tämän kesän Puolan matkaltamme. Ison maan vieraana koimme elämyksiä - pieniä ja suuria. Kolme erilaista kaupunkia. Tulen muistamaan tämän matkan kyllä. Samalla toivon, että mahdollisimman moni - jonain aikana ja jonain päivänä - antaisivat pienen hetken elämästään niille miljoonille, joiden elämä pirstaloitui tai päättyi käsittämättömän ja äärettömän vihan uhreina. Puola oli mielenkiintoinen matkakohde.Varsova jäi kaikkein vähäisimmälle huomiolle - on siis kenties syy miksi palata ja kantapää oppimäärän perusteella voisi todeta, että perussanastoakin voisi ensi kerraksi harjoitella. 

krakow church
Krakow - in the heart of the city
Krakow - at ulica sw. tomasza - wonderful cafes and restaurants
Krakow - it is cafe camelot - we sat in the window
It's funny in Krakow - you can walk streets without noticing that there's plenty of cool and interesting places and things in the corridors and inner wards. Be brave and get there. I found galleries, interesting shops like Lulu, bars and much more.

Krakow - camelot's neighbor - concept store lulu
Krakow - Calik gallery - my x-mas tree got one peguin

Krakow - kazimierz - jewish town
Krakow - charming
Krakow - font love
Krakow - foodie goes charoset
Krakow - so precise
Krakow - we are art with diana arbus
Sometimes it is hard to understand why we the mankind learn so slowly the good things but the bad things need to grow only one second. 

butterfly in auschwitz
Book to read: Night by Elie Wiesel - I read it in a train from Krakow to Berlin. And you know I'm not a good reader at all. But I couldn't stop reading.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Hip hip hipster and love love handmade - Hipsterin jalanjäljillä

world of Mizumi
It's been a while - I know - sorry for that but now I'm back from summer holiday and already at work...I promised you to show some pics from our train trip to Poland and Germany. Today I want to show you wonderful Handmade Supermarket which poster I saw in one shop in Berlin and of course wanted to go. There were so many sellers with good quality designs and handmade products. Market was in old Markthalle Neun in Kreuzberg. There were also great food - vegan and veggie. Fresh juices and awesome vegan burgers! Yam. I found many lovely things like Galerie Mizumi's dolls and Tillandsia known as the Air Plant. This beautiful and unique plant lives without soil. You can do many kind of displays with them. I bought 2 and I carried them in my rugbag for a one week from Berlin through Rügen and Sweden over here to Finland. They survived so did I. Great journey. I will do few Till displays in near future and post about it. Here's few photos from Handmade Supermarket and Berlin. It was really inspiring too see all that talent! 

And for you to know there are going to be Handmade Supermarket in Markthalle Neun on 12.8.
9.9.  and 14.10. But you can also check these dates and more information about market here

i'm tasty
Onpas aikaa kulunut viimeisestä postauksesta. No loma on loppu ja työt alkoivat tällä viikolla, joten on aika palata normaaliin päiväjärjestykseen. Lupailin näyttää kuvia ja kertoa meidän reissusta junalla Puolaan ja Saksaan. Aloitan sen itseäni todella paljon kiinnostavalla Handmade Supermarketilla. Näin sitä koskevan ilmoituksen kaupan seinässä, kun kuljettiin kaduilla ja kaupoissa Berliinin Friedrichshainissa. Loistavaa toritunnelmaa löytyi Kreuzbergissa sijaitsevasta Markthalle Neunista. Monia kädentaitajia ja suorastaan mahtavaa vegaani ja kasvisruokaa. Vaikka virallisesti vegaani en olekaan - söin aivan superhyvän vegaaniburgerin! Makeita töitä ja mielenkiintoisia sisustusideoita. Mukaan lähti Galerie Mizumin nukke. Mizumin nuket ovat hurjan sympaattisia käsinmaalattuine kasvoineen. Toinen löytö oli Tillandsiat. Ne ovat kasveja, jotka eivät tarvitse multaa vaan ottavat kaiken tarvitsemansa ilmasta. Niitä voi laittaa roikkumaan katosta narulla, rautalangalla, pöydälle, vanhaan kahvikuppiin, toisten kasvien päälle. Lista on yhtä loputon kuin ideoiden kirjo. Ajattelin, että toteutan muutaman idean ja postaan siitä kuvien kera lähiaikoina. Joka tapauksessa ostin 2 kasvia ja viikon kuljetin niitä repusssani ja sain ne kuin sainkin elävänä kotiin. Markkinat olivat loistavaa silmänruokaa ja innostusta herättelevää. Seuraavan kerran markkinat ovat 12.8. 9.9. ja 14.10. Sinne vain käväisemään jos vain osuu matkan varrelle! Lisätietoja löydät täältä.


great atmosphere

old DDR candybag

by Heike Scholz
by Heike Scholz

black and white

look at those eyes



place to be

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