Monday, April 9, 2012

Pääsiäismatka - Easter road trip

This is a photographic essay of our Easter road trip to see our moms in Western Finland. We found lovely grove and rapid and I found out that my mom's orange tree is 47 years old and that it has grown from fruit seed which was bought at a grocery store in 1965. I was amazed. I knew it was quite old but 47 years that was surprise. Spring in Finland is just beginning. We have harsh light and it reveals everything which has been sleeping under the snow.

Tämä on kuvaessee matkasta äideille pääsiäisenä. Kevään kova valo paljastaa lumen alla nukkuneen luonnon, joka on heräilemässä uuteen kasvukauteen. Äideillä on hauskoja harrastuksia. Toinen keräilee kiviä ja toinen maalailee posliinia. Ja itselleni yllätyksenä tuli, koska olin täysin unohtanut, että äitini olohuoneessa kasvava appelsiinipuu on 47 vuotta vanha. Se on kasvanut vuonna 1965 kaupasta ostetun appelsiinin siemenestä. Hullunkurista. Todellakaan en voisi kuvitella, että nykypäivän kaupan hedelmien siemenistä kasvaisi yhtään mitään. Ja aika hurjan hieno onnistumisen tunne on äidilläni ollut, kun on saanut siemenen kasvamaan. Puhuimme, että ensi kerralla voisin ottaa oksan puusta ja yrittää kasvattaa siitä uutta puuta. Voi olla mahdotonta mutta voihan sitä aina kokeilla!

Willow in the sun


Run-down old gas station. Or it was before big chain of stations.

Pines and the blue sky with sweet clouds.

Run-down house next to the road. I wonder what kind of history it has.

Pheasant's feather at mom. She also collects stones.

Old-fashioned lace in a window at mom.

Barn in the middle of field. In Finland you can see a lot of barns 
when you are driving through the countryside.

Barn close-up

Coltsfoot - first spring flower

Someone's road to home

Red is the color of the countryside

My love and power lines

Our destination -  Mommola rapids

There was a grove next to rapid. Beautiful.

Mom walking with her green colors

Mommola rapid

On the way back mom's place -reflection of us and the road

Mom's hobby - porcelain painting. Rose vase and below there is the table cloth made 
by mom's auntie. Crafts run in our veins. 

Orange tree. My mom has grown it from an orange seed bought at a grocery store.
It's very old tree because the year when the orange was bought from grocery 
store was 1965. So orange tree has been in my mom's living room 47 years.
It has lot of  thorns - oranges are safe.

On the way back home


  1. how beautiful these photographs and notes are!

  2. Thank You Amy! Sometimes it's so easy to photograph and write when everything has a meaning, I guess...

  3. Beautiful road trip - was fun to see the countryside, thank you!

  4. Thank you Jan!! Lovely too see you stopping by my blog. Hope you come back again :)


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