Sunday, January 19, 2014

Photography tip - Moon and stars - noise reduction and big asa

forest and stars photo by Kreetta Järvenpää
pics turn to more painterly like when you use a big big asa/iso and noise reduction
Yesterday we went to celebrate young girl's birthday. Sweet sixteen. We drove home late in the evening and decided to stop in place where is not so much light - no light pollution - that my husband can photograph stars. We had a little doubt if it's possible because of full moon and yes it was too much light to photograph Milky way. No luck for him but luck for me. With help of moonlight I could take some experimental shots of forest, moon, stars and car lights.

forest and stars photo by Kreetta Järvenpää
i got red from car's lights. i made an abstract painting.
I'm so fascinated about painting that I love to try it with my camera also. On Friday I wrote a post where  I was thinking about photography and natural way of doing it - not too much photoshop using - trusting the object and being more natural.

forest and stars photo by Kreetta Järvenpää
can you see a field?
But here I am and doing something totally different. I'm not even trying to photograph nature as it is, I use it for my own artistic goal. I want to make something unnatural - surreal. In photoshop I used mainly noise reduction because of high RGB noise. I didn't have tripod. I was too lazy. I just used the highest iso/asa number I had in my camera. When you do that, you lose details but you get more close to painterly result. What do you think? Do you like these pics or not?

forest and stars photo by Kreetta Järvenpää
the yellow comes from car's lights
So this time my tip was mainly about using your camera to make some totally different from different perspective. Is it worth to try? Inspiration to these experimentations I got from this guy who has done some iPhone paintings following Mr Rothko.

Now I go back to my project, small art exhibition. It's totally unfinished. Wish me luck! Have a lovely Sunday! 



  1. Aah, dear Kreetta,
    great images here!

    Experimented by myself at nights with my camera, but I am in a big City and so I can 'only' catch the moon and sometimes Venus and Jupiter.

    Best from Hamburg

  2. Hello Ariane!
    Yes, I understand. We live in Helsinki, so we have difficulties to see stars. That's sad. Thank you!

  3. Etenkin ykköskuva näyttää kieltämättä maalaukselta pikemmin kuin valokuvalta. Vikassa kuvassa on upean aavemainen tunnelma!

  4. Moikka Riikka! Kiitos! Kuvatessakin oli hieman aavemainen tunnelma :) Täysin pimeää, kun on harvoin ympärillä kaupungissa asuvalla.

  5. These photographs are amazing paintings! Your work is always inspiring, dear Kreetta! :)

  6. To me it´s beautiful…and good luck with your exhibition!

  7. @Barbara
    Thank you Barbara, it's so nice you leave so many lovely comments, thank you for being my reader :)

    Great to hear. I will continue...Thank you! I'm going to blog about it but when...we'll see.


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