Weekend at the cottage was pure slow living. Finnish cottages are often very basic. This time - no running water in the kitchen. The cottage was very old house where we could enjoy of fireplace in the kitchen. Such a cosy feeling it made for us. I was so happy that finally we had time to begin to cook from the book I have made with Meri-Tuuli Lindström. The book is called Pataruokaa, A Book of Stews. Stews are THE best on a cold autumn evening in the middle of nature in the candle light.
We made two stews during our stay in the cottage. Here you can see roasted Jerusalem artichokes. We made lentil stew with Jerusalem artichokes. We made also very hearty stew - chorizo beef stew. They were both so good.
Our little Haruki also enjoyed the stay and she was very interested about the birds :)
Chorizo beef stew was made with tomatos. It took 4 hours to cook and worth to wait, I have to say. The meat was so tender. I ate it again next day with bread and it was so lovely. Rich and thick taste. It's easy to imagine that after a very cold day outdooring this kind of food is heaven.
We are having grey days and the light is vanishing very early. I love the greyness I have to admit. I've learnt to love every season. It makes life very rich because every season has a very special atmosphere. After warm summer it's great to enjoy the darkness, candle light and warm woolly socks on the cosy sofa.
This is not my knitting work, it's my husbands. Yes, I have my camera and my husband has his knitting.
We also brought with us these preserved pears and made delicious dessert from them. These ones are actually Finnish pears. We are going to make them again. They are in season now so have to be quick. They say also that we are going to have snow fall next week. I guess winter is knocking on our door.
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