Monday, March 18, 2013

Link Love Creative - I Love Wood

Fourth time in everything. Spring do begin. More energy and coffee in the sun. No more snow, thank you. Hand picked links for your eyes only.

 1. Wood work by Ariele Alasko

 ariele alasko
photo by Ariele Alasko

 2. Wood work by Herriot Grace

 Herriot Grace
photo by Herriot Grace

3. I love wood by gretchen gretchen in Pinterest.

i love wood by gretchen gretchen


  1. Now I love wood even more.. :)
    Great post and beautiful pictures!

    1. Hi Wendy! Thanks, wood is our beautiful friend.

  2. Hi Kreetta,
    I posted your blog as one of my "8 blogs that rock" for blogboss. I really like your photographs-they're clear and have a sense of intimacy and everything, including the layout, feels bright and clean.

  3. Hi Kimberly!
    Great to hear, thank you, thank you !!

  4. I follow Ariele Alasko on instagram - her work is really unique. wood is one of my favourites, too - in all its shapes and combinations. I will hop over to your wood board now!

  5. Dear Kreetta,
    I´m a classmate and your post "wood" inspires me to have some ideas about the theme on my own blog. Maybe you would like to visit me at Your photos and your redesign of your blog are very charming. I also like your video on vimeo about your moodboard. It would be very nice if we could stay in touch after class.
    Happy Easter, Ria

  6. Hi Ria! Thank you for your kind words! See you!


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