Saturday, August 18, 2012

Moments in time - Gdansk - Warsaw - Krakow - Auschwitz

wooden crane
Gdansk - wooden crane
As I promised I share now few moments in Poland with you. There were differend feelings during our days in Poland. Beautiful old buildings - or lookalikes like in Warsaw. Warm people - great friends. Unbelievable heat. Coolness of big park in the heart of the capital city. Wonderful coffee moment in cosy street. Sound of beautiful music from synagoga. Wonderful bookshop. Movement of wings of butterfly in silence and in warmth of the sun. Such a big experience as country itself. Are you ready? There's plenty to see.

wood carving
Gdansk - at Pikawa cafe - wood carving

Gdansk - beautiful buldings

Warsaw - center of old town

old town
Warsaw - old town

new buildings
Warsaw - tall buildings

Warsaw - park

bird _ peacock
pretty guy
Kuten lupailin tässä muutama ruutu tai useampikin tämän kesän Puolan matkaltamme. Ison maan vieraana koimme elämyksiä - pieniä ja suuria. Kolme erilaista kaupunkia. Tulen muistamaan tämän matkan kyllä. Samalla toivon, että mahdollisimman moni - jonain aikana ja jonain päivänä - antaisivat pienen hetken elämästään niille miljoonille, joiden elämä pirstaloitui tai päättyi käsittämättömän ja äärettömän vihan uhreina. Puola oli mielenkiintoinen matkakohde.Varsova jäi kaikkein vähäisimmälle huomiolle - on siis kenties syy miksi palata ja kantapää oppimäärän perusteella voisi todeta, että perussanastoakin voisi ensi kerraksi harjoitella. 

krakow church
Krakow - in the heart of the city
Krakow - at ulica sw. tomasza - wonderful cafes and restaurants
Krakow - it is cafe camelot - we sat in the window
It's funny in Krakow - you can walk streets without noticing that there's plenty of cool and interesting places and things in the corridors and inner wards. Be brave and get there. I found galleries, interesting shops like Lulu, bars and much more.

Krakow - camelot's neighbor - concept store lulu
Krakow - Calik gallery - my x-mas tree got one peguin

Krakow - kazimierz - jewish town
Krakow - charming
Krakow - font love
Krakow - foodie goes charoset
Krakow - so precise
Krakow - we are art with diana arbus
Sometimes it is hard to understand why we the mankind learn so slowly the good things but the bad things need to grow only one second. 

butterfly in auschwitz
Book to read: Night by Elie Wiesel - I read it in a train from Krakow to Berlin. And you know I'm not a good reader at all. But I couldn't stop reading.


  1. Thank you for satisfying a little bit my curiosity about Poland! There is a book that calls Manila "The Warsaw of Asia" (referring to how it was devastated and flattened during WWII) so there is something in common between the two cities. Hopefully I will get to see it myself someday :)

    1. Thank you. You have to go there ! It's quite a big country.

  2. Yes, of course, you all should come here! There's much more to see :)

  3. Oh yes, you're right! Thanks for stopping by Bozena.


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